Terminology and FAQ

The surgeons and staff at Dallas Ft. Worth Sarcoma Group, P.A. want you to understand the basics of orthopedic oncology, sarcomas and osteosarcoma. We hope that education on these procedures and pathologies will lead to a better understanding of symptoms and better understanding of the treatment and diagnosis involved in relieving you of pain.

Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is a rare form of cancer, affecting more than 2,300 Americans each year. Because of the nature of bone cancer it is considered a difficult form of cancer to treat as it tends to metastasize (spread to other areas of the body) quickly. Children and adolescents, usually under the age of 20, are more likely than adults to develop bone cancer, making the diagnosis quite distressing. Bone cancer is defined as a malignant tumor that destroys otherwise healthy bone cells, making them weak and brittle as metastatic tumors attach to them. Bone cancer typically effects "longer bones," such as the humerus, the femur, or the tibia, but can affect any bone in the body.

Bone cancer is defined as a malignant tumor that destroys otherwise healthy bone cells, making them weak and brittle as metastatic tumors attach to them. Bone cancer typically effects "longer bones," such as the humerus, the femur, or the tibia, but can affect any bone in the body.

Symptoms of Bone Cancer

Diagnosing Bone Cancer

The surgeons and staff at Dallas Fort Worth Sarcoma Group, P.A. want you to understand the basics of orthopedic oncology, sarcomas and osteosarcoma. We hope that education on these procedures and pathologies will lead to a better understanding of symptoms and better understanding of the treatment and diagnosis involved in relieving you of pain.

Bone Cancer Symptoms


One of the initial symptoms of bone cancer or osteosarcoma is pain in the area of the tumor. This pain may be highest during extraneous activity or at night, and will become more severe as time goes on and the cancer becomes more advanced. Often times sufferers will have pain for months or even years before they seek treatment. To treat the bone cancer before it metastasizes it is important to get an early diagnosis.


A lumpy growth on the bone or surrounding tissues is also an indicator or symptom of a potentially cancerous growth. Patients and potential patients should bear in mind that not all bone cancers are associated with lumpy growths; therefore it is not imperative to feel a lump before asking your doctor about a potentially cancerous growth.

Fractures or Joint Tenderness

Because bone cancer attacks the actual bone it weakens it and can lead to fractures, despite the fact that there was no major trauma to the area. In some extreme cases, standing on your feet may be enough to crack a weakened foot bone. Inflamed or tender joints can also indicate the development of bone cancer.

Raised Calcium Level

As cancer starts weakening the bones calcium levels in the bloodstream are increased. Because the bones are being attacked more calcium is released to help fend off the infection. The raised level of calcium in the blood is called hypercalcaemia, and can cause sufferers to feel tired, nauseous, constipated and thirsty.

Spinal Cord Pressure

Oftentimes bone cancer (osteosarcoma) can affect the spinal cord and put too much pressure on the nerves, creating pain, discomfort and muscle weakness for the patient. This spinal cord pressure can also spread to other parts of the body, creating a tingling sensation similar to a "sleeping extremity." If you experience these symptoms of muscle weakness, leg pain or tingling sensation make sure you explain it to your physician so that potential osteosarcoma can be treated as quickly as possible.