The Dallas Ft. Worth Sarcoma Group, P.A. is committed to providing exceptional care for patients with musculoskeletal tumors, metastatic bone disease, and osteomyelitis. Our multidisciplinary approach to patient care ensures a personal, state of-the-art treatment plan tailored to the specific needs of each individual patient.

the specific needs of each individual patient. Through the Dallas Ft. Worth Sarcoma Foundation, we are actively involved in the research of novel strategies to treat musculoskeletal disease by thorough evaluation in a multidisciplinary setting. Current therapeutic strategies are shared amongst radiologists, oncologists, internists, orthopedists, infectious disease specialists, and plastic surgeons. As a result of this unique, team effort approach, each patient's care plan is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis. Due to this comprehensive and unified approach, many of our patients go on to lead disease-free lives.